Resources for Lent

Lent is a period that invites you to deepen your relationship with God. Below are some resources that may help you on that journey this Lent.


Retreat Center: Mercy Center by the Sea
They have a Lenten retreat this Saturday, February 28th, and the Center is always available for day and overnight visits. When there is not so much snow on the ground, they also have an awesome labyrinth.

Matthew Nuss has coordinated several hikes for the Lenten season. They are short scenic hikes by the shore. If you would like to hike but are not available for these time, please message Matthew directly or text him at 845-594-8684 and let him know. He is able to post additional events.

Sherwood Isle Beach Hike on March 6th:

Newport, RI Hike & Dinner on March 13th:

Interplay Prayer Group
Lisa Laing is kicking off our Lenten season with an Interplay prayer group. During Lent, the group will meet twice in March and once in April on Holy Saturday, the day before Easter. After Lent, the group will continue to meet on the first and third Saturdays of the month. For more details, click the link below.

City of God: Faith in the Streets by Sara Miles
A riveting book about what it looks like to take our Lenten practices to the streets. A great book to read for Lent.

FBC’s Ash Wednesday Meditation
It includes an excerpt from City of God: Faith in the Streets.

Seven Tips for Creating Sacred Space
Ideas for creating sacred space in your home.

Spirituality & Practice
It offers online classes to help you grow in your spiritual practices. Classes typically include online practice groups, videos, weekly email and regular opportunities to interact with your teacher. This Lent, the site is hosting a class on Father Thomas Keating’s teachings.

Lenten Practices for Parents with Small Children
An article about how one parent found her connection with God not in the quiet, but in the everyday time she spent with her kids.

Show Us What Lent Looks Like!
What does Lent look like in the year 2015? Many Christians through out the nation are answering this question by sharing stories and photographs of what their own Lenten practice!I encourage you to do the same by sharing your photos and stories about what you are doing this Lent to grow in your relationship with God.Photos and stories can be emailed to or …. whether it is a new practice or an old one, let us know what Lent looks like. You could even send in a daily picture as part of your practice.You can see other Christians’ pictures & stories of Lent, by clicking here.

If you by chance are a social media poster, you can post your own pictures and follow others pictures via #picturelent (and you can follow and tag the church on Twitter via @fbcinessex).

Have a blessed Lent my friends! May God’s face shine upon you and give you peace.

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